Raspberry Sorbet

“Avocado for Dessert? No way!!”

This was my first reaction. I wasn’t so keen on the idea either. In the past, I have seen a few recipes calling for avocados in dessert, but never had the courage to try it…until now! Let me tell you…it’s great!

Now, don’t expect it to be like Graeters or Haagan-Dazs, but this tangy and creamy sorbet will be sure to give your taste buds a treat!

Go ahead…try some avocado for dessert! You will be pleasantly surprised!

Raspberry Sorbet

I believe in keeping it fresh and healthy during the summer! This raspberry sorbet is made with an avocado that makes it naturally dairy free and oh-so creamy. I recommend eating this straight from the food processor to your bowl.

1 Avocado

1 lime, juiced

2 C. Frozen Raspberries*

1 tsp Vanilla Extract

1 C. Water

1 C. Sugar

In a food processor, process avocado, berries, lime and vanilla. Combine water and sugar in a pan and simmer on stove till sugar dissolves and creates a simple syrup. Pour the simple syrup** into the food process or and process till smooth. Serve immediately or freeze for later

*Any fruit may be used for the sorbet.

**If you don’t like the sorbet as sweet, you can use half of the simple syrup.


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