Put a little spice in your Apple

Everyday I come home from work and just want to fall on the couch and go to sleep. Not today! I was determined to create and be inspired. I had honey, I had spices, I had apples…with a little inspiration and push from my sweet toothed friends …I am privileged to present to you CHAI HONEY CARAMEL APPLES! Not to mention, my apartment smells fantastic! Check out the September Rosh Hashana Honey Link-Up below!

Chai Honey Caramel Apples

1 C. Honey

1 C. Almond Milk

1/4 C. Earth Balance

1 tsp. Vanilla Extract

Scant 1/4 tsp. of each of these spices

Ground Nutmeg, Ground Black Pepper, Ground Cinnamon, Ground Allspice, Ground Ginger, Ground Cloves and Fennel Seeds

4 Apples


Put all ingredients in sauce pan and wait till it reaches a boil. Once it reaches a boil, pick up the pan from the heat (or it will boil over) and turn the stove down to low. Using a candy thermometer, cook the honey and milk mixture till the temperature on the thermometer reaches 250 (about 20 minutes). Take the pan off the stove and cool until the mixture has a caramel dipping texture (about 5 minutes). Slice your apples into 8ths and dip. Lay covered apples on parchment paper and sprinkle with chopped pecans. Place in fridge for caramel to set.


De-Constructed Stuffed Cabbage Soup


A Peach-tastic Engagement